Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Blogging (Blog 16)

Blogging was something completely new to me. I’ve always heard of blogs but didn’t really know much about them. I always thought it was just people complaining about something so I never got into it. I didn’t mind the blogs where we had open range on. The topic of fast food really burnt me out. Didn’t make me want to eat it any less, just wanted to stop talking about it. I dreaded blogs when we have tons of other work we had to do the same night. Those times I would just write anything just to get it done. When we had less work, I put more thought into my blogs. I don’t think I will keep in going with my blog because if I have something to say to people, I will just write something on Facebook. I enjoyed several other blogs. There are many people that are able to write very well. For fellow classmates, I say great job with your blogs. Many of you have some really talent.


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us throughout the semester, You stood up for all the students who don't like too much homework lol. Good luck for your goals in life!

  2. yeah talking about fast food ALL the time was wearing me out. i do gotta give you props though your blogs were enjoyable to read. it was nice meeting you cody!

  3. It was kind of strange having a Ghost Class that I never got to meet. Thanks for the props. I enjoyed your posts. Your essay 1 was very good. Good luck with school.

  4. i think you just didnt like the idea of talking about fast food for the reason that your group ditched you.. haha
    good bloggs tho cody

  5. "Turn out the lights, the party's over..."...well said Jr., I especially like when you went on a rant against too much homework...not only was it classic, but a little rebelious of you. I will miss having you in class, even though I ususally capped on you, you were a good sport about it, and even got me back once or twice....but never again...lol Take care my friend, and I know I'll be seeing you around....peace...."Pops"
